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Year 2 Online Maths Lessons
Lesson | Lesson Name | Strand | Content | Outcome |
101 | Counting 100-500 | Number | Counting | Read and write numbers to 500. Count to 500 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Know three-digit numbers represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. Add 1, 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900. Subtract 1, 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900. |
102 | Moving Shapes | Geometry | Flip, Slide, Turn | Understand the effect of one-step slides, flips and turns. Know that moved objects do not alter size or features. Identify a quarter and half turn. Tessellates shapes. |
103 | Adding 9 | Number | Addition | Use the jump strategy to add 9 to numbers. Understand the equal sign. Work out if addition equations are true or false. Subitise small groups of objects in different formations. |
104 | Measuring | Measurement | Length | Estimate lengths using meters. Measure lengths using meters. Compare lengths. Use comparative language: more than 1m; 1m; less than 1m. |
105 | Partitioning Numbers to 1000 (Place Value) | Number | Place Value | Read and write numbers to 500. Count to 500 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Know three-digit numbers represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. Compose and decompose two- and three-digit numbers using tens and ones. |
106 | Counting 500-1000 | Number | Counting | Count within 1000. Skip-count by 100s. Add 1, 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900. Subtract 1, 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900. Use a number square to help skip count by 5s. |
107 | Chance (2) | Statistics | Chance | Identify outcomes of familiar events involving chance. Use everyday chance language: will happen, won’t happen, might happen, possible, impossible. Use comparative language: more likely, less likely. |
108 | Odd and Even Numbers (was 91) | Number | Odd & Even | Determine if a number is odd or even number. Use rules to add odd and even numbers. |
109 | The Calendar | Measurement | Time | Use a calendar to identify the date. Determine the number of days in each month. Sequence months of the year. Countdown to dates using a calendar. Sequence days of the week. |
110 | Take Away by Partitioning (Jump Strategy) | Operations | Subtraction | Solve subtraction problems using the jump strategy. Fluently subtract within 30. Use place value to partition numbers to solve subtraction problems. Solve subtraction word problems. Subtract multiples of ten from a two-digit number. |
111 | Sharing (2) | Operations | Division | Share a collection of objects into two, three, four or six equal groups. Arrange groups into arrays. Use addition to find the total number of objects in arrays. Count groups of objects. |
112 | Area (2) (was lesson 69) | Measurement | Area | Understand that area measures how much a surface covers. Sort objects according to height. Sort objects according to area. Use informal measurement to count area. Compare to identify and order which is larger or smaller. |
113 | Grouping (2) | Operations | Group & Share | Count groups of objects. Recognise grouping as repeated addition. Use a number line to skip count. Write an equation to show the total as a sum of equal addends. Solve word problems by grouping and counting. |
114 | Time: Quarter to and Quarter past | Measurement | Time | Tell time to the quarter-hour. Use language of time: quarter after, quarter past, quarter to. Recognise the position of clock hands when showing quarter to or quarter past. Sequence months of the year. Countdown to dates using a calendar. Sequence days of the week. |
115 | Multiplying Groups | Operations | Multiplication | Recognise multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays. Write an equation using signs: x, =. Use language of multiplication: groups of, multiply. Multiply groups by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. |
116 | Volume (was 76) | Measurement | Volume | Recognise volume as how much space. Use comparative language: less, more, big, bigger, biggest, small, smaller, smallest. Informally measure volume. Record informal measurements for volume. |
117 | Skip Counting Patterns (3) | Patterns & Algebra | Counting Patterns | Skip count forwards and backwards by threes, fives, tens, hundreds. |
118 | Word Problems (Solving + and -) | Operations | Addition & Subtraction | Solve addition word problems. Solve subtraction word problems. |
119 | 2D Shapes – The Rhombus | Geometry | 2D Shape | Name rhombuses in the environment. Sort shapes. Name rhombuses in different orientations and sizes. Identify parallel lines. Compose two-dimensional shapes to create a composite shape. Identify properties of 2D and 3D shapes. |
120 | Addition (1) | Operations | Addition | Solve addition problems using the jump strategy and skip counting. Fluently subtract within 30. Use place value to partition numbers to solve addition problems. Solve addition word problems. Add multiples of ten to a two-digit number. |
121 | 3D Objects – Different Views | Geometry | 3D Objects | Identify the top, front, side and base of 3D objects. Identify and count the numbers of vertices. |
122 | Comparing Numbers | Number | Place Value | Use < = > symbols. Compare pairs of numbers starting with a single-digit and building to 2-digit and 3-digit numbers. |
123 | 5 minute intervals | Measurement | Time | Understand that there are 60 minutes in an hour, and that there are 5 minute intervals between numbers. Match the time on an analog clock to a digital time shown in 5 minute intervals. |
124 | Subtraction (3) | Operations | Subtracting | Use vertical subtraction. Subtract a single-digit number from a double digit number with no regrouping. |
125 | Equivalent Money | Operations | Money | Match amounts with equivalent coins. Use 2 coins, 3 coins and 4 coins. |
126 | Measuring with cm | Measurement | Length | Use cm as a formal unit to measure length. Measure an object twice using informal units. Measure to determine how much longer one item is than another. |
127 | Elapsed Time | Measurement | Time | Calculate how much time has elapsed between 2 specific times to the hour and half hour. |
128 | Addition (2) | Operations | Adding | Use vertical addition. Add two 2-digit numbers with no regrouping. Add three 2-digit numbers with no regrouping. |
129 | Rounding numbers | Number | Rounding | Use a number line. Identify the 'midpoint' and round numbers within 100 up or down to the nearest ten. |
130 | Multiplication word problems | Operations | Multiplying | Introduce multiplication word problems that use the strategy of 'creating a picture'. | 131 | Word problems (2) - Solving + and - | Operations | Adding & Subtracting | Work backwards to solve a word problem. Use addition and subtraction number sentences. |
132 | Fractions | Number | Fractions | Revise fractions and introduce the term ‘eighths’. Identify items that have been cut into equal parts. |
133 | Number Patterns - Problem Solving | Patterns & Algebra | Adding & Subtracting | Identify a pattern in order to complete a number pattern: +2 pattern, -10 pattern, +100 pattern. |
134 | Subtraction (4) | Operations | Subtracting | Use vertical subtraction. Subtract two 2-digit numbers with no regrouping. Subtract two 3-digit numbers with no regrouping. |
135 | Comparing Mass | Measurement | Mass & Data | Use non-standard units to measure the mass of different items. Count the units using tally marks. Present the information as a picture graph and interpret the graph. |
136 | The Division Sign | Operations | Dividing | Use the division sign. Share items between groups and divide using a number line. |
137 | Problem Solving - Make a Table | Operations | Multiplying | Solve a word problem by putting information into a table. |
138 | Fractions of a Collection | Number | Grouping | Investigate equal parts and shares of a whole. Understand that the denominator tells you how many groups to make. |
139 | 2-Step Problem Solving | Operations | Adding & Subtracting | Break a word problem into 2 separate sums. Focus on just addition, addition and subtraction sums, and just subtraction. |
140 | Revision | Number, Patterns & Algebra, Operations, Geometry, Measurement & Data | Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Dividing, 2D Shapes, 3D Objects, Measure, Graphs | Revise vertical addition and subtraction, grouping and fractions. Identify the properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects. Measure length. Match analog and digital times. Compare area in square units. Interpret picture graphs. |
141 | Length - Word Problems | Measurement | Length, Adding & Subtracting | Solve multi-step word problems involving length using a range of addition and subtraction strategies. These include creating a picture to find the difference, using a number line, mentally counting on by tens and exploring related number facts. |
142 | Fluent facts within 20 | Operations | Adding & Subtracting | Use number bonds to 10 and then to 20 to fluently complete addition equations. Apply knowledge of related addition and subtraction number facts to solve subtraction equations within 20. |
143 | Comparing lengths using data | Measurement & Data | Length & Data | Measure different lengths in formal units and construct a bar graph to show the results. Interpret the bar graph to answer questions. |
144 | Adding within 1000 | Operations | Adding | Explore 3 different strategies to add two 3-digit numbers: use base 10 equipment to decompose and compose numbers; use vertical addition; use a number line. |
145 | Quadrilaterals | Geometry | 2D shapes | Understand that shapes with 4 sides are called quadrilaterals. Identify quadrilaterals from a range of shapes. Identify how many sets of parallel lines a shape has and determine if it is a quadrilateral. |
146 | Subtracting within 1000 | Operations | Subtracting | Explore 3 different strategies to subtract two 3-digit numbers: use base 10 equipment to decompose and compose numbers; use vertical subtraction; use a number line. |
147 | Money - Word Problems | Operations | Adding & Subtracting | Solve multi-step word problems that involve adding the cost of three items to find the total; determining how much more money is needed to buy an item; adding the cost of three items and giving change from $5. |
148 | Mentally Adding and Subtracting | Operations | Adding & Subtracting | Use strategies to mentally add and subtract 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900. |
149 | Area of Rectangles | Measurement | Area | Revise area: partition rectangles into square units; count square units to measure area; compare the areas of 2 shapes; create shapes based on a given area. |
150 | Adding up to four 2-digit numbers | Operations | Adding | Add up to four 2-digit numbers using a variety of strategies including vertical algorithms, split strategy and jump strategy. |